Friday, July 22, 2011

Today I learned that Bears are actually aliens...

I have seen many bears in my life time. Polar bears, brown bears, panda bears, you name it. However, I have never even thought about what a bear would look like without its hair. The thought never crossed my mind. AND THEN IT HAPPENED. I was doing my daily redditing when I stumbled across this picture.

 I literally yelled out loud to myself when I saw it. It literally looks like an alien genetically spliced with a sloth and creepy old man naked man. My mind was blown. I will never look at bears the same.

P.S. I prefer this bear image over those creepy hairless bears 

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

This Week I learned I look bangin' in Polka Dots...

I'm just gonna come out and say it, I think I finally found a pattern that brings me from a 9 to a perfect 10. Seriously, when I put these bad boys on people instantly think I'm a movie star. I mean, how could you not. I saw these in a new Surf shop in Newport (I forget what its called, but It's the new one on Thames near the post office) and I was debating whether to get them or not. I thought about it all weekend and finally decided to go for it and I have never felt so good about a purchase. Great investment.

Also, sorry for the blinding whiteness that is my skin tone. I'm working on that...
Also, sorry for the quality of the picture. It was taken on my friend Mal's Blackberry and Blackberrys suck....

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Yesterday I learned Coning is the new Planking...

If you are up on your internet hipster culture you know planking as the phenomena of laying as stiff as a board face down on random objects. Google it if you really want to.

Me planking three bikes. Solid
However, this weekend I learned of a new internet phenomena sweeping the country called Coning.  This involves going through McDonald's drive thrus, ordering a .99 cent vanilla ice cream cone, and grabbing the ice cream from on top of the cone and driving away (or some sort of variation). Obviously, being the cool hipsters we are, we tried this out last night and it was a great success. Normally the McDonald's that we go to would be perfect because it has the two windows. But Last night they threw us a wrench and made us not only pay at the second window, but order at it as well because their intercom thing was down.  No matter, we just continue on and cone the hell out of that McDonald's worker. You can't really see it too well in the video, but the workers reaction was priceless. Enjoy:
Jeremy coning the Newport McD's

Monday, June 27, 2011

Today I learned America is FAT

I read today that the average American consumes... wait for it... 45 GALLONS of soda every year. That is absolutely disgusting knowing how bad soda actually is for you.  It's literally poison for your body, but people don't care.  I tried last month to give up soda forever, but I totally caved in. I just love my Dr. Pepper too much. So I decided to at least cut down on my sugar water intake.  But back to the point. 45 gallons a year is so much? And that's and average according to the Beverage Marketing Corporation. That means that some people drink even more than that. How are they alive?? And people wonder why our country has an obesity problem. Ew...

 P.S. Has anyone seen the new Wendy's soda machines? Over 100 drink combinations? It is literally heaven. Fat kid Heaven!
P.S.S. Im not a fat-o-phobe. If that's a real thing...

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Today I learned that Spongebob is real...

Leave it to those nerdy scientists to name a newly found fungus species Spongiforma squarepantsii. When I saw this headline I got really excited, but when I read the article I was sincerely let down.  This is the newly discovered fungi species that acts like a sponge:
Via Gizmodo

Like, Really?? It isn't even square! Plus it looks too much like a brain not to name it something brainy. Such a let down.  By far, the best science term named after a cartoon character is Sonic Hedgehog, which is both the name of a protein involved with organogenesis and an awesome blue hedgehog that runs really fast. Just saying.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Today I learned that Tyler, the Creator and Chris Brown hate each other...

I follow both Tyler, The Creator (who I blogged about earlier) and Chris Brown on Twitter. Currently they are talking back and forth dissing each other and its hilarious. Tyler's calling him Christopher and saying he needs a timeout and Chris Brown is saying that Tyler looks like an ape (Which I thought was racist but apparently not). Anyway, who ya got in a fight? I kinda wanna go with Tyler, just because hes crazy and hes actually jacked. However, if there is a car window involved.... forget it. Chris Brown beasts car windows.  But I feel like twitter beefs are the new high school drama. OMG IM LIKE SOOOO TOTALLY OVER IT!


Today I learned that this is one of the saddest days in American history...

Hello everyone. I am in a deep state of mourning as I am sure most of you are. This is truly a day that will live in infamy. Of course I am talking about the tragic news that broke early this morning about the disappearance of Ms. Rebecca Black's masterpiece of a music video from Youtube.  I am sorry it has taken me this long to post this, but I have been in bed crying all day. I know how much this terrible news affects every American's life because Ms. Black is truly the voice of our generation.  I would just advise everyone to stiffen their upper lip, keep their heads high, and go back to their daily routines as hard as it may be. It is what Rebecca would have wanted.
P.S. How was the U.S. government not shut down today? I mean flags should have at least been half mast right?

Music I Discovered of This Week

She- Tyler, The Creator (Feat. Frank Ocean)
I've heard this song for awhile now but the video just came out and it fits the song perfectly. This is one of the creepiest videos I have ever seen, but I think it is amazing.  MTV wont play it because its kinda messed up, but what else do you expect from Tyler. If you like rap check him and the rest of OFWGKTA out. 

Go!- Santogold (Feat. Karen O)
When I saw that Santogold had made a song with Karen O, I immediately downloaded it without even listening because I already knew it was going to be good. I was not disappointing I now continuously bump this on my Ipod. 

Two Against One- Danger Mouse & Daniele Luppi (Feat. Jack White)
This song reminds me of the Alicia Keys and Jack White song that they did for the latest Bond movie, but I think this one is a little more polished and natural feeling.  It has been out for awhile but I really wanted to post it. Not Danger Mouse's best, but its still pretty good. 

Today I learned that I need a camera...

I want to post awesome pictures to go along with my awesome blog posts, but I have no way of accomplishing this. "Use you're cellphone camera" you say? I would but the phone that I sport is straight up out of the biblical age.  I'm pretty sure Jesus used my cellphone to invite all his disciples to the last supper. Needless to say I will not using this to take these aforementioned "awesome" photos.  However, I am thinking of upgrading my cellphone soon, so I may just upgrade to one with a high quality camera.  Any suggestion?
My prehistoric phone. Except my camera doesn't work...

My Inauguration

So I decided to start a new blog about the little things in life that we learn each day. Some of my posts will be serious, some comical (I'm hilarious btw), but I just mainly want to share my 20 year old knowledge. Check back frequently for all the hilarity and leave me comments.