Friday, June 17, 2011

Music I Discovered of This Week

She- Tyler, The Creator (Feat. Frank Ocean)
I've heard this song for awhile now but the video just came out and it fits the song perfectly. This is one of the creepiest videos I have ever seen, but I think it is amazing.  MTV wont play it because its kinda messed up, but what else do you expect from Tyler. If you like rap check him and the rest of OFWGKTA out. 

Go!- Santogold (Feat. Karen O)
When I saw that Santogold had made a song with Karen O, I immediately downloaded it without even listening because I already knew it was going to be good. I was not disappointing I now continuously bump this on my Ipod. 

Two Against One- Danger Mouse & Daniele Luppi (Feat. Jack White)
This song reminds me of the Alicia Keys and Jack White song that they did for the latest Bond movie, but I think this one is a little more polished and natural feeling.  It has been out for awhile but I really wanted to post it. Not Danger Mouse's best, but its still pretty good. 

1 comment:

  1. Okay, the first one was pretty weird, I feel slightly violated watching that video. I really like the last one, kind of reminds me of Rob Thomas. Way to go, Greg. Keep up the good blogs.
