Friday, June 17, 2011

Today I learned that I need a camera...

I want to post awesome pictures to go along with my awesome blog posts, but I have no way of accomplishing this. "Use you're cellphone camera" you say? I would but the phone that I sport is straight up out of the biblical age.  I'm pretty sure Jesus used my cellphone to invite all his disciples to the last supper. Needless to say I will not using this to take these aforementioned "awesome" photos.  However, I am thinking of upgrading my cellphone soon, so I may just upgrade to one with a high quality camera.  Any suggestion?
My prehistoric phone. Except my camera doesn't work...


  1. GET A DROID! 8 megapixel cameras and they're way better than iphones.

  2. definitely get a droid

  3. droid is the oly way to go bro there is no wat but droooooooid
