Sunday, June 19, 2011

Today I learned that Spongebob is real...

Leave it to those nerdy scientists to name a newly found fungus species Spongiforma squarepantsii. When I saw this headline I got really excited, but when I read the article I was sincerely let down.  This is the newly discovered fungi species that acts like a sponge:
Via Gizmodo

Like, Really?? It isn't even square! Plus it looks too much like a brain not to name it something brainy. Such a let down.  By far, the best science term named after a cartoon character is Sonic Hedgehog, which is both the name of a protein involved with organogenesis and an awesome blue hedgehog that runs really fast. Just saying.


  1. SHH is by far the coolest protein known to man. I love neuroscience.

  2. This made me laugh! If I discovered a new species or fungus, I would definitely think back to the cartoons I used to watch (who am I kidding? I still watch them) for names.

  3. Listen up...SHH may regulate follicular shutdown. We need to tax hairy people to create funding for SHH research. Clock is ticking dude...check out all your male relatives over the age of 25!
