Tuesday, July 12, 2011

This Week I learned I look bangin' in Polka Dots...

I'm just gonna come out and say it, I think I finally found a pattern that brings me from a 9 to a perfect 10. Seriously, when I put these bad boys on people instantly think I'm a movie star. I mean, how could you not. I saw these in a new Surf shop in Newport (I forget what its called, but It's the new one on Thames near the post office) and I was debating whether to get them or not. I thought about it all weekend and finally decided to go for it and I have never felt so good about a purchase. Great investment.

Also, sorry for the blinding whiteness that is my skin tone. I'm working on that...
Also, sorry for the quality of the picture. It was taken on my friend Mal's Blackberry and Blackberrys suck....


  1. i actually think the shorts bring you to a 9.5, but its the hat that brings you to a perfect 10. upload a picture of that bad boy...

  2. I think I'm gonna get me some too! (not) But you're a braver man than me to have your picture taken while wearing polka dots.

  3. yikes...dude you are such an ass...like seriously a dumb shit.
