Monday, June 27, 2011

Today I learned America is FAT

I read today that the average American consumes... wait for it... 45 GALLONS of soda every year. That is absolutely disgusting knowing how bad soda actually is for you.  It's literally poison for your body, but people don't care.  I tried last month to give up soda forever, but I totally caved in. I just love my Dr. Pepper too much. So I decided to at least cut down on my sugar water intake.  But back to the point. 45 gallons a year is so much? And that's and average according to the Beverage Marketing Corporation. That means that some people drink even more than that. How are they alive?? And people wonder why our country has an obesity problem. Ew...

 P.S. Has anyone seen the new Wendy's soda machines? Over 100 drink combinations? It is literally heaven. Fat kid Heaven!
P.S.S. Im not a fat-o-phobe. If that's a real thing...

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